The Parts of MS Word Title Bar- contains the name of application and file name Mean Bar- contains the mean to activate the Ribbon, group, Tabs of command Ribbon- contains the basic group of related commands Ruler- serves a guide for pagination and margins Scroll Bar- use to navigate in the document Status bar- display more information about the document such as numbers of words or character, lines, etc. Document window- the text area where you can edit text or insert other elements such as images, drawings, smart art graphics etc. Navigation pane- the window where you can find and replace parts of document. Viewing options- use to change viewing mode of documents such as page layout, reading view or full screen or web layout. Zoom slide or Zoom control- use to change the viewing size, you can enlarge or minimize by pressing the scrool + or - button. Display Options- lets you display or hide the ribbon, show tabs and commands. Quick access- lets you add more frequently ...
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